
Learn how to transform from accomplished to influential.

Sample Presentations

The presentations outlined below are just a preview of what Roberta Guise can bring to your next meeting or event. Click the microphone to learn more and customize a keynote presentation that your audience will be buzzing about!

It’s Time: Purpose-Driven Personal Branding to Rock your Reputation

Your personal brand is intentional

Your personal brand is an intentional representation of who you are, your values, what you do, and the transformative change you bring about in others. Your reputation is how people perceive you. What do they say about you when you’re not in the room? Do they even mention you?

You can’t control perceptions, but if you intentionally develop a distinct persona for yourself, focused on how you’ll persuade others and help make them better off, your reputation will closely align with your intentions and can dramatically boost your career.

Two value-packed sessions

In these two half-hour interactive sessions, Roberta will dive deep into her process for developing your purpose-driven personal brand and reputation, to put you on a path to shaping your distinctive reputation.

It includes Roberta’s Seven Steps to Building a Powerful Personal Brand, a framework that’s designed to get you noticed and acknowledged as an authority when it matters most.

How to establish your thought leadership on LinkedIn

Boost your reputation as a sought-after authority. Grow your visibility as a thought leader. Turn the dramatic impact you make on your clients’ condition into content that expands your thought leadership footprint.

You can achieve these goals by intentionally using LinkedIn as a springboard for your thought-leading ideas.

Key topics Roberta covers

  • How to spot a thought leader across the room
  • The nifty science of how ideas spread
  • Why opinions are the hallmark of thought leadership; how to structure an opinion; and three ways to use them on LinkedIn

From Accomplished to Influential: Do you have the mindset?

There are three critical mindsets to successfully develop your personal brand. Embrace these mindsets will help you rapidly transform from accomplished to influential and secure the reputation of a sought-after authority.

By attending Roberta’s presentation, you’ll embark on a journey of discovery where you’ll —

  1. Understand the mindset to make a difference in other people’s lives by tapping into your deep well of expertise, knowledge and wisdom and make it widely available
  2. Know the mindset to be visible through important media that are instrumental for making your mark as a professional who’s influential, recognized and in demand
  3. Learn the mindset that builds resilience for overcoming obstacles so that you can make a positive impact on your corner of the world with your valuable ideas


Roberta dives into her process for determining what you want to be known for and how to effectively communicate it.

You’ll leave with the understanding and tools to turn what you know so well into content that moves minds, shapes opinions, and shifts behaviors.

Lean In Updated: How women build a personal brand that others trust, like and follow

Also offered for a general audience as: How to build a personal brand that others trust, like and follow

With constant marketplace and workforce disruption the norm, it’s more important than ever for your career to have an identifiable personal brand and reputation.

Your personal brand is an intentional representation of who you are, your values, what you do, and the transformative change you bring about in others. A key to a standout personal brand is building and expanding your thought leadership.

In two half-hour interactive sessions, Roberta deep dives into her process for developing your purpose-driven personal brand and reputation, to put you on a path to shaping your distinctive reputation that will advance your career and support your employer’s brand, as well.